HTML & CSS Snippets
Play background music to your website.
Let visitors bookmark your website using a link.
Fits a content into a set of width and height using overflow property. Useful for shoutbox etc.
Use a background image with CSS.
Style your links using CSS.
Mouseover effect using CSS.
Make your own favorite icon for your website.
Use a custom scrollbar for you web site. Please note that custom scrollbar only works in IE and is not a valid CSS property.
Different border style you can use.
Here's a list of different cursor style you can use.
Display a popup message when the site load.
Display a popup message when the you close the website window.
A simple popup window you can use for rules, privacy etc... that you often see in other website.
Print the content of a webpage using javascript, this will popup the print dialog box.
This will display random body background color every 1 second, very annoying =)