mIRC Snippets
Description: This is a very simple snippets that lets you restart your mIRC, this is for all the lazy people that cant open mIRC.exe manually. I actually find this one very useful. =)
Code below...
;Type in /restart to restart your mIRC
alias restart {
if ($scid($activecid).server) {
var %r = $input(You are currently connected to a server. $crlf $+ Are you sure you want to restart?,y,Restart Script)
if (%r = $true) { run $mircexe | exit }
else { run $mircexe | exit }
;Type in /restart to restart your mIRC
alias restart {
if ($scid($activecid).server) {
var %r = $input(You are currently connected to a server. $crlf $+ Are you sure you want to restart?,y,Restart Script)
if (%r = $true) { run $mircexe | exit }
else { run $mircexe | exit }