mIRC Snippets
Name:Kick Counter
Description: Counts the number of times you have kick someone off your channel with the last date of your kick. Nothing fancy just a simple snippet.
Code below...
;Put this script in mIRC Remote Section
;View Popup in Channel Window
menu channel {
Kick Counter:
.View All Kick(s): echo -a You have kicked %kickcounter user(s) $me $+ , Good Job! | echo -a Your last kicked was on %lastkick $+ !
.Reset Kick Counter: set %kickcounter 0 | echo -a Kickcounter has been reset...
on *:kick:#: {
if ($nick == $me) { set %kickcounter $calc(%kickcounter + 1) | set %lastkick $date }
;Put this script in mIRC Remote Section
;View Popup in Channel Window
menu channel {
Kick Counter:
.View All Kick(s): echo -a You have kicked %kickcounter user(s) $me $+ , Good Job! | echo -a Your last kicked was on %lastkick $+ !
.Reset Kick Counter: set %kickcounter 0 | echo -a Kickcounter has been reset...
on *:kick:#: {
if ($nick == $me) { set %kickcounter $calc(%kickcounter + 1) | set %lastkick $date }