mIRC Snippets
Description: This will return the idle time of all users in current active channel.
Code below...
;Type in /nidle in your active channel
alias nidle {
var %i 1,%c = $active
if ($active == $chan) {
window -a @NicksIdle
aline @NicksIdle Total users in %c $nick(%c,0)
aline @NicksIdle $str(-,50)
while (%i <= $nick(%c,0)) {
aline @NicksIdle $+($nick(%c,%i) Idle Time,:) $duration($nick(%c,%i).idle)
inc %i
aline @NicksIdle $str(-,50)
aline @NicksIdle Calculation end...
else { echo -a Error: Current active window is not a channel! }
;Type in /nidle in your active channel
alias nidle {
var %i 1,%c = $active
if ($active == $chan) {
window -a @NicksIdle
aline @NicksIdle Total users in %c $nick(%c,0)
aline @NicksIdle $str(-,50)
while (%i <= $nick(%c,0)) {
aline @NicksIdle $+($nick(%c,%i) Idle Time,:) $duration($nick(%c,%i).idle)
inc %i
aline @NicksIdle $str(-,50)
aline @NicksIdle Calculation end...
else { echo -a Error: Current active window is not a channel! }